Paper The negotiation of roles and a politic of feelings in patriarchy
Patriarchy is allowed to continue to this day as a of the problem and counter-model to gender equality are neither accepted nor underestimated. Patriarchal structures can still be found in both the private and public spheres.

This is a discourse about emotions and politics.
Or is it just emotions, or is it politicizing emotions, or is it just politics?

Above all, design has a social responsibility. How can a gender-equal coexistence be shaped? In terms of gender equality, design practice should always analyze socio-cultural conditions from multiple perspectives. In the present project, patriarchy was examined from a female perspective (my own personal perspective), but the broadening of my own perspective through other voices (here the perspectives of people identified as male) has confirmed the topicality of this approach to a still underrepresented topic. At the same time, the need to take on individual social and societal responsibility as a designer and to take a stand became clear in this process. Art also creates testimonies and witnesses. So at this point it must be asked what moral responsibility can or must go hand in hand with one’s own experience?
A master thesis at the HAW Hamburg in the Master of Arts