everyday allzheimers
Alzheimer’s is an organic brain disease. It is named after the German neurologist Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915), who first scientifically described the disease in 1906. The greatest risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s disease is age. Only in rare cases are those affected younger than 60 years. The clinical picture manifests itself in memory and orientation disorders, language disorders, disorders of the ability to think and judge as well as changes in personality. These disorders vary in severity among those affected and increase in the course of the disease. They make coping with normal everyday life more and more difficult for patients. Everyday Alzheimer’s is an e-magazine that documents the lives of people with Alzheimer’s in the form of reports. Symptoms of the disease are taken up both in the typographical representation and in the interactive elements. The key visual here is the open square. This is characterized by a restrained contour, subtle choice of colors and high flexibility in the presentation. The information hidden behind the key visual is only visible when you click. This uncertainty, with which Alzheimer’s patients also have to cope, is to be transferred to the user and forms the central element of the concept.
concept and design:
Edelin Eisenbraun und Leonie Chilla
University of Applied Sciences Hannover