In the Upper Allertal there is a salt deposit 40 – 50 km long and an average of 2 km wide, which was developed towards the end of the 19th century. Salt was mined there for around 70 years, today it serves as a repository for radioactive waste with the aim of decommissioning and safe long-term storage. The ones who work there 500m underground are the miners. The invisible ones who keep the whole company going, who move everything forward and about whom nobody really knows exactly. From this thought a photo report was created about the miners underground – about their work, their history, their thoughts and feelings. The reportage character of this photo book forms the central element. For this purpose, the layout is reserved and gives the images and texts a lot of space. The side grid takes up the tunnel-like structure of the mine and the low ceiling heights. White space is used extensively in order to provide a counter-pool to the constant darkness with which the miners are confronted every day. The imagery works primarily with atmospheric photography to convey the dimensions and lighting conditions underground. On the other hand, documentary photography is used to illustrate everyday life and the work of the mountain people. The texts were created in interviews with the miners and convey everyday work underground through their personal character and integrated quotes in connection with facts.
In cooperation with the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung – Endlager Morsleben