Caught! Where playing with clichés exposes us Power and powerlessness, order and chaos, consistency and indecision - the battle between the sexes is fought in the social, academic and commercial fields. The performative installation »Coordinated« constitutes a playing field and opens
between faith and money
How much is a blessing? Churches in Germany are losing more and more members. However, this is not noticeable in the income of the churches – it‘s quite the reverse. Income rises continuously so much that the decreasing number of the church members is compensated. The kinetic datavisualization
Transforming Knowledge
Transforming Knowledge is an adaptation of Wikipedia in analog space, which translates the underlying principle of collaborative text genesis into an interactive space installation. The viewer becomes the main actor, the installation a space of possibility. As a result of
53.547948, 9.964039
Twelve-minute setting as an excerpt and original translation of the flow of movement on Gebrüder-Wolf-Platz in Hamburg's St. Pauli presented in a sound installation in a square structure. A loudspeaker at each corner symbolizes an exit from Gebrüder-Wolf-Platz. A loudspeaker
Is there a truth and if how many? The web is a connection of a lot of different opinions, information and interests. To place a position in this constellation is sometimes really hard or even impossible – it is getting a balacing act. Because not
10 minute man. data memento.
Christopher Nolan's thriller »Memento« is about an alleged murder, its investigation and revenge. The particular attraction, however, does not lie in the plot, but in the intelligent narrative structure, which takes up the issue of memory loss. This stylistic device
blazer analysis
Angela Merkel is probably the most powerful woman in the world, the informal queen of Europe. It is followed and analyzed by the public at every turn. The concise short hairstyle, the Merkel diamond and especially the blazers in Edition
shower portrait
Portrait series in the shower. Behind the drops and haze, faces, characteristics and appearance can be vaguely imagined.Details remain hidden and reserved for your own imagination. The function of the classic portrait is overridden here.
the up
Containers travel their entire life. It is in the nature of containers never to be in one place for long and rarely to be loaded with the same goods. A constant change of location and scenario takes place over and
everyday allzheimers
Alzheimer's is an organic brain disease. It is named after the German neurologist Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915), who first scientifically described the disease in 1906. The greatest risk factor for developing Alzheimer's disease is age. Only in rare cases are those